5 Stunning Easter Custom Packaging Tips

As the holiday approaches, everyone starts to gear up for the celebrations. Easters are celebrated with baskets of treats, chocolate eggs, and other confectionaries. Among all the preparations, have you yet had the time to think about how you will be advertising and selling your Easter products? More than half of your sales depend on the packaging of your products. As we have always mentioned the importance of proper packaging that resonates with the holiday season and customer taste, our advice has not changed.
However, we have come up with a few tips and tricks especially for this joyful season and how you can get the best out of your sales through custom Easter packaging:
Go with the Theme:
Although experimenting is always helpful, sometimes it is best to stick to traditions. For instance, the traditional symbols of spring and Easter are bunnies, chicks, and eggs that can be seen all around while one goes out for Easter shopping. Reinventing an entire tradition and designing a packaging that has neither the color scheme nor the symbolics in synchrony with the holiday can be disastrous. Take it as selling gifts in blue packaging on Valentine’s day!
Origami Packaging:
Nothing speaks aesthetically like minimalistic packaging with origami shapes and prints. Using the symbols of Easter to grab audiences’ attention is the best strategy in selling out your products. It helps customers identify the products on the shelves easily and make them an instant sell. With a busy schedule ahead, customers take seconds to finalize a product when it comes to the shopping rush of holidays. This design suits best for retailers that are looking for a minimalistic design with bright pastel colors that are eye-catching just like the Easter eggs. Since it is a celebration for the children and grown-ups alike, you can gift these eye candies to any of them!
Now’s the Time:
Everyone is celebrating the rebirth of trees and greens and nature is coming back to life. Does your brand intend to kick off the season with more plastics that have been harming the environment? Customers are wary of the products they buy and the impacts they leave behind, now more than ever. Since more customers are willing to pay more for products that have sustainable packaging, your plastic packaging may be good enough to only protect your products, not sell them. Replace plastic excessive packaging with new and alternative options like paper and cardboard etc.
Make it Real:
One of the main players in Easter celebrations is chocolate eggs and playfully realistic packaging of Easter eggs can surprise and stun customers and their guests alike. This idea of packaging is taken from the real thing. Either making a nest for your Easter eggs with straws or making a chicken coop for them the limitation is only your imagination! Another example of realistic packaging is creating custom Easter eggs packaging in the shape of egg cartons and showcase your realistic chocolate Easter eggs.
Packaging can influence your sales substantially and making it playful for young and grown-up audiences, just takes your business a step ahead of the others. Custom packaging of Easter products can be easy to make if given sufficient time.
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