Innovation in Packaging and its Importance

Several companies have acquired customers that are committed to the brand for several years or even throughout their life. This loyalty roots from the product quality, familiarity of the customers with the product, being able to spot it from afar down the aisle, and a quick toss into the shopping cart. With the changing times and constant improvement of everything, your packaging needs to stay in the game and as competitive as ever. Although not rapidly, but your products need redesigning of packaging every once in a while to keep up with the trend and retain its loyal customers. This is a necessity of the times as new products enter the market with improvements and service to the consumer trends. Staying consistent with your quality but following the trend of the times with your packaging is the key to a stronghold of your product on the marketplace.
Here are our reasons for innovation of packaging and why it is important for your brand:
Innovative Packaging and Revenue:
In the stores where your products are surrounded by hundreds of others, a mere attraction cannot suffice; your products need to call out to their customers from the shelves and create an everlasting impact. The message about quality cannot be expected to be delivered by a packaging that fails to impress and attract the audience. The appeal in your packaging is a contribution of numerous factors like the packaging color, shape, size, and the container along with logo, print, and graphic designs that help in product presentation.
Brand Recognition Vs. Innovation in Packaging:
Building brand recognition is something companies invest years in, but to simply redesign the entire packaging, discarding the signature logo, color, and design, would mean discarding years of hard work. However, innovative packaging does not always mean a complete makeover of your brand’s identity; making small changes that are easy to spot, changes regarding customers’ concerns, or changes that are for customer well-being are a few ways you can bring innovation in your packaging. For instance:
- “Fresh Look”: This is an effective way of telling the audience that with consistency in the quality and performance, you have brought them a new look or a slight makeover.
- “Easy to Open Packaging”: Changing your packaging according to customer convenience and ease can help you regain lost customers or customers that struggled with a previous version of your products. This can also help entice new customers into trying out a new product for the first time.
- “Green Packaging”: Going environment friendly with your packaging is one of the best options and trends running in the industry right now. It has been received well by the customers and the efforts are appreciated far and wide. If your customers are environment enthusiasts, it is wise to use Eco-friendly packaging to attract more customers.
Tips on Innovation:
Being innovative in small and impactful ways is better than a complete change in packaging since it can affect your brand’s identity that you have built for so many years. Here are some other changes that are small yet greatly operative:
- Using the tactile sensation of your packaging to your advantage can bring changes in your sale to a great extent. Experiment with your packaging texture to know what your product is and what sensation do you want to deliver to the customers. Depending on your products and their type you can make the packaging soft and smooth, shiny, matte, embossed, or debossed to involve the customers.
- Switching from a dull packaging to a shiny coat over the packaging can prove to be an instant glow up.
- If your packaging has a window view, it would be best to use it to your advantage creatively. You can change the size or shape to renovate your packaging.
- Adjust the box in a size that catches the attention while sitting on the shelves.
There are numerous ways of making small changes that bring a whole different experience and feel to your customers. Knowing what your customers need and want from your products is the key to knowing these small alterations.
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