A Comprehensive Guide to Rigid Boxes: Pros and Cons

Owing to their solid and luxurious appearance rigid boxes are often dubbed as set up boxes.
What exactly are Rigid boxes?
Rigid boxes are the sturdiest and the most resilient packaging there ever is. The toughest of the packaging boxes, rigid packaging is the ultimate luxury packaging! You must surely be wondering what makes rigid packaging so tough.
What makes Rigid packaging so tough?
Rigid boxes are often made from materials that are thicker and therefore are sturdier and tougher than their counterparts. The sturdiness of rigid packaging comes due to the thick chipboard it is made from, which is of 36 to 120-point thickness.
Now that you are aware of how tough and sturdy rigid packaging boxes are, and why, you are probably wondering what makes rigid boxes a luxury choice. It is natural to wonder this because corrugated boxes are just as sturdy as rigid boxes, but do you see Apple packaging its products in corrugated packaging boxes? You do not. You always see their products being packaged and displayed in rigid boxes. It’s a simple case of luxury packaging for luxury products!
What makes Rigid packaging luxury Packaging?
If you want a sturdy option for packaging your company’s products, then you would prefer to go for corrugated boxes because they are comparatively cheaper. But that is not a very wise choice when you are dealing with products that are luxury. If you ask why the answer is very simple. Luxury products have a certain zeal about them and as packaging is the face of your product as well as the face of your brand identity, it is always intelligent to invest in good packaging if you are selling products that are of high value.
We discussed earlier what makes rigid packaging so sturdy. Actually, a thinner, as well as more flexible wrap is pasted over the thick chipboard that makes up the rigid packaging boxes. It is owing to this flexible wrap, that rigid packaging boxes appear more luxurious and expensive. It adds value to the sturdiness of the rigid packaging boxes, which in turn adds value to your precious products.
Let’s get into some of the advantages of buying rigid packaging boxes:
1. High Protection:
Rigid packaging boxes add a certain layer of protection to your valuable products Which is unmatchable. Their durability and sturdiness make it easy for fragile items to be stored and transported in without worry or hassle. Made up of thick chipboard, rigid boxes are the perfect protective element that your brand’s valuable products need!
2. Sustainability:
In today’s difficult times, when the earth is facing a lot of environmental issues we need more products as well as packaging boxes that do not end up in landfills. Because rigid boxes are made up of chipboard and not of materials like plastics the carbon footprint in their production process is comparatively very low! Not only this, rigid packaging boxes do not end up in landfills because they can be easily repurposed, owing to their toughness.
3. Eye Candy Customisation
Due to the wrap that is pasted over the chipboard in rigid packaging boxes, the customisation choices in rigid packaging are many! Custom rigid boxes can have your company’s logo printed over them, or they can have other elements incorporated into their designs to make them a perfect resonance of your brand and its identity. Custom rigid boxes are a perfect choice when it comes to showcasing or storing your valuable products. If your company is spending quite a few bucks on the production of some pretty valuable products, for example, jewellery items, then those valuable products most certainly deserve custom rigid boxes that are absolute eye candies. Custom rigid boxes have an appeal like no other packaging choice!
As there are lows to all highs, there are some cons to opting for the remarkable rigid packaging:
1. Not foldable:
The preferred size of rigid boxes is not too big, because these are shipped in already box form and not foldable. Some people may also see this non-foldability of rigid packaging boxes as a pro because this means they require no setup. Nevertheless, as we are looking at plain facts, these acquire bigger space due to their volume (in box form) when shipped to you by the packaging company. So these should not be very big.
2. Pricey:
Like everything good, rigid packaging boxes come at a price. The costs of rigid packaging boxes are comparatively higher because of their toughness and beautiful and elegant appearance. (But if you ask us, they are worth the price!)
The Bottom Line:
Now that you understand what rigid boxes are, why are they so tough and elegant, and why you should or should not order rigid packaging for your brand (you probably should!), the only query left is where should you order your rigid packaging boxes from. Order the best custom rigid boxes from Emenac Packaging Australia and prepare to be amazed at the premium quality and the economical wholesale prices!
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